Presenting at AAAI 2024 🇨🇦

Feb 22, 2024
Demo Session 1, Feb 22 Thu, 19:00-21:00Exhibit Hall AB1Demo presentation: MIDDAG: Where Does Our News Go? Investigating Information Diffusion via Community-Level Information Pathways. We present an intuitive, interactive system that visualizes the information propagation paths on social media triggered by COVID-19-related news articles accompanied by comprehensive insights including user/community susceptibility level, as well as events and popular opinions raised by the crowd while propagating the information.
Poster Session 2, Feb 23 Fri, 19:00-21:00Exhibit Hall AB1Poster presentation of the paper: STAR: Improving Low-Resource Information Extraction by Structure-to-Text Data Generation with Large Language Models. We present a structure-to-text data generation method for complicated structure prediction tasks that first generates complicated event structures (Y) and then generates input passages (X), all with Large Language Models. We show that the data generated by STAR significantly improves the performance of low-resource event extraction and relation extraction tasks, even surpassing the effectiveness of human-curated data.

Presenting Papers